This week has been crazy busy. I have a couple things I want to write about so I have memories of them, but I have not gotten the chance yet. This morning I have a but of time to get some things done…maybe I'll get to that, after working on my neglected housecleaning.
I have some pictures from last weekend that I want to "scrapbook" (I love how I can just post and they are "scrapbooked"…my kind of archiving these days!)
Melina's first cheerleading experience for BC Naz. She was excited and nervous, but she sure was cute! Her life goal right now is to be a cheerleader!
The Newport Aquarium
Both Logan and Melina got their report cards on Friday. We were very proud of their accomplishments, so we decided to surprise them and take them for a day trip to the aquarium and out for sushi. We met our great friends there too (that was a surprise as well) and had a fantastic day!
All of the kids asked for the camera at some point to take a picture of something that interested them.
I have included their pictures.
Meeka liked this "purple flower" |
Melina took a picture of the octupus! |
Logan and the piranhas |
Sharks! |
Alligator. |
Checking out the croc's |
Logan liked the Alligator Turtle |
Carson and Ava enjoyed the Sea Otters |
Getting all 6 in a picture was impossible….5 is the best we got. :) |
Friends! |
Meeka's First Trip to the Dentist
On MLK day Logan, Melina and Meeka had dentist appointments. 4 kids, 3 appointments, 2 hours and 0 meltdowns! The morning was a success in my book!
X-rays (she looked so small in that machine) |
Counting her teeth |
4 kids in the room. |