Logan trying on a snake...does it match his outfit? |
This may have been the last nice fall weekend...so we went all out with the Fall / Halloween activities...this stuff only happens one month out of the year, so we take full advantage!
On Saturday after Melina's soccer game we headed to Cincinnati for
HallZOOween at the Cincinnati Zoo! It was a beautiful day and the kids had a blast! They got to wear their costumes for the the first time this year (Meeka refused to put hers on though) and Trick or Treat throughout the zoo. We also watched the
Monkeys and Elephants play with and eat pumpkins. And by the end of the day Mommy and Daddy were worn out from chasing 3 animal lovers through the zoo (the 4th was strapped in the stroller the whole time...I know, poor guy)! But what to quote the kids,
"That was a REALLY FUN DAY!!!"
Or maybe it goes better with the princess costume! |
One of their favorite animals was the Owl!
You can see the mud we just went threw! |
Today Michael left for Vegas, but that didn't stop the rest of us from finding something fun to do. Our plans for today got cancelled last minute, so on a whim we decided to try this
haunted hayride I found on the web. I have to say I was not the cheapest activity in the book (At least as far as hayrides go), but as Logan said,
"This was the best hayride of my life!" And now, that may not be saying much for a 7 yr old (although he has been on quiet a few hayrides in his 7 years), but I agree...In my 29 years this was the best hayride of my life; Hills, Mud, and plenty to see!! And I have never seen a tractor go so fast carrying a load of people down a hill called, "Suicide Hill." A
VERY FUN and memorable experience. We followed up the hayride with playtime and some grilled hot dogs and funnel cake for lunch!
And this time about to go through! |
Meeka was captivated for the whole 30 minutes! |
Checkin' out the pumpkin patch when we stopped. |
Look at those smiles! They LOVED it!! |
Carson sat so still too! He enjoyed it very much! |
Watching the kids pick out pumpkins. |
Sliding down the pirate ship. |
They all played on the train for about and hour!! |