Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween Party

On Friday evening was the big shindig...the Dayton Mamas Halloween Party. I have been working on this party for over a month now (with some help from a committee) and I was a bit nervous when the big day arrived.  I am new to the organizer role and we had never had a party like this before and then when the RSVP's started rolling in, and rolling in, and rolling in...I started to panic a bit. I ended up having the close the RSVP's at 96 adults plus the kids and start a wait list...we were beyond max capacity for the hall. We had some snafu's along the way, but in the end I really think the party was a big success!!! I know my kids had FUN!! They even thanked me for taking them to the party unprompted!!

Here are a couple of pictures that I got, ya know how when you get so busy you forget to take pictures or don't get good ones, that is was happened. Oh well, I know there were LOTS of moms taking pictures, so maybe I'll just steal some of theirs!

Setting up the hall

Meeka still refused to wear any costume, but she wanted a "meow" on her face.

And she sat very still for Sparkle to paint her face!

This is a great picture of 3...while the itsy bitsy spider crawls away!

This was as good as it got of all 4 in the "Photo Booth"

The Pumpkin Patch. Each child got to pick a pumpkin and decorate it.

The spider going for a walk!

The Army guy hiding in the leaves with his camo.

The Princess smiling for the camera.

"meows" like desserts too!

Decorating her pumpkin

Melina's pumpkin. She was very proud of doing it all by herself!

Melina and Logan made picture frames while the little ones played on the playground.

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