Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Another journey begins

This afternoon we had our first of many meetings with the Beavercreek City School regarding Meeka. At 3 she ages out of the Help Me Grow program that she is attending for speech through the county...then what? That is what they are helping us explore right now. Yes, I said helping!! This FREE program through the county is thinking ahead and helping us plan the next step for her already! Have I said how much I LOVE them?!!!

Private therapy?...we are number 36 on the wait list at the local pediatric therapy place...and they don't accept our insurance anyway, so it is absurdly pricey!!

The local school district offers an integrated preschool program for those with special needs and those without. So, now we have to go through "the process" to see if she qualifies. That means meetings at Help Me Grow program with the city schools, meetings and evaluations at our house, and meetings and evaluations at the preschool and then finally a meeting to see the "results" of all of this. So here we are... another journey begins... where it will take us no one knows yet. But if she qualifies she will have speech therapy in the classroom at school. She will also be BUSSED to and from school. BUT she will go in the we will have to figure out how that will work with nap time. For now we will concentrate on the journey ahead and take it one step at a time.

DAY 14

Today we talked about the stable where Jesus was born. We are in agreement that is was probably stinky and if people knew Jesus was going to be born they probably would have given Mary and Joseph their room.

We made our own stables out of sticks.


This morning I took Carson to Barnes and Noble (while both girls were at school and I only had him) and he played trains for a bit. It brought back memories of Logan. I used to take Logan to the Barnes and Noble near our house in Lexington and he LOVED playing trains. I never had that opportunity with the girls since we didn't live anywhere near a bookstore. It was so cute to see him play. And I enjoyed the nostalgic seemed like forever ago!

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