I am thankful for my family. For my kids who are healthy and strong enough to tackle each other down and then come running to mommy for a hug. For my husband who works hard to provide but has a sense of humor to tease me about how much I spend the money he makes. And that even though he needs to be reminded 10 times what time to be home sometimes, he shows up and takes care of the kids so I can walk out the door and go to book club or Jr. League, etc. And when I come home, there still may be baskets of laundry to fold, but they kids are nestled snug in their beds and everything was done.
I am thankful for my extended family who not only loves my crazy kids but thinks it cute when they call them 4 times in a day, and sometimes saying nothing, while they are crouched behind the couch with my stolen cell phone. And even though no one lives next door so they can be a constant source of babysitting they are still a rock in our family! I am thankful that for now my kids live close enough to a cousin that we can see him grow up!
I am thankful for my house. Sometimes I wish our house was built without a doorbell, but I love it anyway. Speaking of the doorbell, I really am thankful (most of the time) that there are kids in our neighborhood to ring it. That my kids go outside and play pick up games of baseball and football and build forts and play war.

I am thankful for my kids schools. They all have teachers that care about them and can compliment them and put them in their place, all in the same day. And all of my kids have teacher with a sense a humor. I love that! I love that I have a place to send them for several hours a day where they are not in my hair and they are actually learning and having fun! And I am thankful that they let me spend time in their schools volunteering.
I am thankful for my friends both near and far. I have fantastic friends who are not mad if I am running 10 min late and I show up with food on my shirt and paint on my pants. Or I don't email or text back a response to a question for 3 days. These are true friends who put up with my crazy madness and I seriously could not be the person I am without them! You all rock!
I am thankful that we have the food for me to be able to try new recipes in the kitchen and that my kids and husband will eat them even if they are questionable. And I am thankful that we have space to work off the calories that that I cook!
I am thankful that when I wake up I can have a cup, or 2 or 3 of coffee. I love my coffee and my kids and husband like me better with my coffee too! I am thankful for my I pad which makes it easier to actually try to finish my book club books. I am thankful for Facebook so I can keep in touch friends even when life is overwhelming. I am thankful for Dora, who can keep my trouble makers entertained while I take a shower. I am thankful for my wet vac because without it my house would like rainbow threw up in it. I am thankful that my back yard has a fence and my back door has a lock and I have lots of floor to ceiling windows; sometimes its the only way to clean up after taco night. And I am thankful for my bed, even with extra bodies crammed into a queen bed, because I am exhausted at the end of each and every crazy day!
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