Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Organizing Arts and Craft Supplies

I am still on an organizing kick. I have been meaning to get the Arts and Craft supplies more organized for some time now; so the past couple of days Melina and I have worked on this project. We got $1 bins that all match and sorted all of the supplies out. Then we labeled. It is not anything super fancy; I just printed labels from the computer and taped them on. But everything is organized, and I am hoping it will make everything easier to find and easier to clean up. Maybe the kids won't take everything out at once….maybe.

The view of the whole art supply shelf in the playroom

A few of the bins

This shelf is behind the art supplies shelf,
behind the wall in the storage room.
It holds lots of craft kits and extra supplies.

And yes, I am that mom who has a bin of stuff…
just in case!

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