Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Life before Technology

Today I volunteered in Logan's classroom. It was so fun to talk to all the kids and work with them. I also got to observe an hour of their daily calender, math, reading and writing. I remember when I was a kid we had a big calender on the bulletin board and a chalk board and erasers. 

Those are all things of the past. 

Today everything was done on a Smart Board. Logan told me earlier this week, "I am so glad Mrs. Kidd is rich enough to have a smart board." That made me laugh!! The kids just point, click and drag and draw and erase with no messy chalk dust. Viola, the days of the week are filled into sentences, the weather icons are on the side and they just drag it to the graph chart for the month that was saved on the board. The pictures of coins are depicted and you can move them to add them together. It really is amazing. Then, for writing the teacher was at the smart board and each child had their own dry erase board and marker of their own where they practiced writing each word (the smell in the room was enough to make anyone high though- with 20 dry erase markers going at once!). 

It is so CrAzY to me how different school is, yet the outcome is still the the time Carson is in first grade, what will it be? Will each kid have their own I-Pad?

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